Land O' Lakes Pest Control Services

land-o-lakes-pest-controlLand O' Lakes, located in Pasco County, Florida, features a population of 31,100 throughout it's 21.1 square miles. Experiencing large growth throughout the 1990's, Land O' Lakes absorbed many nearby towns during it's development and growth. Land O' Lakes is known for it's suburban neighborhoods with an estimated 11,200 households.

Know when to contact a professional exterminator

Throughout Land O' Lakes there is more than just a variety of neighborhoods. There is also the threat of countless pests and termites that can invade your home. As a homeowner, your first reaction may be to correct a pest problem with a Do It Yourself method. However, these methods typically only mask the true underlying issue and do not completely resolve a pest problem. A professional exterminator has the ability to accurately identify and treat for pests. Additionally, if you suspect that your home is dealing with a termite invasion, a professional will need to be contact immediately to perform a thorough inspection and treatment.

BugX is your Land O' Lakes pest and lawn professional

Since 2007, BugX has been offering pest control in Land O' Lakes, treating many different pests and termites. Our professional exterminators treat for general pests such as ants, fleas, cockroaches, and more. BugX Exterminators also offers services for pocket gophers, moles, chinch bugs, lawn care, weed control, lawn disease control and more. Contact us today to learn more.

Get a FREE Land O' Lakes pest control inspection today!