Brooksville Pest Control Services

brooksville-pest-controlBrooksville, Florida, located in Hernando County, features a population of approximately 7,500 people. Brooksville is the county seat of Hernando County and is also included as a suburban city within the Tampa / St. Petersburg metropolitan area. Brooksville covers approximately 5 square miles.

Know when to contact a professional exterminator

Brooksville’s 5 square miles is home to more than just a population of 7,500 people, it is also home to a variety of pests and termites. Sometimes homeowners and business owners attempt a cheaper Do It Yourself pest control method. These methods rarely work, and often times just result in wasted time and money. When faced with a pest control problem in Brooksville, you should know when to contact a professional exterminator.

BugX is your Brooksville pest and lawn professional

Since 2007, BugX Exterminators has been offering pest control throughout Brooksville. We are a full service pest control company, and offer treatment for pests, termites, lawn and wildlife. We exterminate ants, fleas, cockroaches and more. We also offer lawn care services to control pocket gophers, moles, chinch bugs, fertilization, insect control, weed control and lawn disease control. Contact us today to learn more.

Get a FREE Brooksville pest control inspection today!